Mom/Wife (theirs/mine) has headed to the beach for a week. In the likely event that the house burns down while she is gone I submit this blog as evidence that our demise was only gradual.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kids approve Batter Blaster...Mom? Not so Much

The kids and I began the week with some breakfast. Typically Kelly makes homemade pancakes with something called flax seed. To honor that tradition I made pancakes. However, instead of using flax seeds and other food-like substances I used REAL food.

We make our pancakes with something called Batter Blaster. The concept is simple: Spay this batter in a hot pan and wait two minutes. Flip the batter over. Wait two more minutes. PanfreakingCakes. It's that easy!

Batter Blaster: Know it. Use it. Love it. Refrigerate it. The girls loved it and I am going to stock up on this amazing food.

Question: Do they have steak & potato blaster? Spaghetti blaster? These are all great ideas and I'm ready to taste test. Mom / Wife (theirs / mine) is gone for a week so let's do this!!!

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