Mom/Wife (theirs/mine) has headed to the beach for a week. In the likely event that the house burns down while she is gone I submit this blog as evidence that our demise was only gradual.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sir Mix-A-Lot was right


This just in:  In spite of radically similar appearances there is a *highly significant* difference between a Huggies water diaper and a Huggies pull-up diaper.
 Huggies Pull-Up
Huggies Swim Diaper

I used a Pull-up instead of a Swimmer and...well...let's just say that Baby really does got back.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Not All Fun and Games

This week has been fun so far.  I wanted to write something snappy...but we'll settle for s(n)appy instead.  Can't resist.

The kids are finally asleep.  The house has an interesting hum when two little ones are asleep.  They have full bellies, clean skin, warm sheets and quiet rooms.  The feeling of peace is nice.  I don't always notice it when mom / wife (theirs / mine) is here.  

To have manufactured the state that we're in here at 10:21PM is rewarding. 

Sleeping Arrangements

This crib seems smaller than it used to....

Lovin' me some crenshaw melons (not really)

As a frenetic dad I need quick and easy fuel for my troops.  This morning I discovered a painfully slow and difficult form of fuel: The Crenshaw Melon.
The Majesty Crenshaw Melon

Wikipedia tells us that the Crenshaw Melon is in the cultivar group of the muskmelon, Cucumis melo Inodorus group, which includes honeydew, casaba, Persian, winter, and other mixed melons.  Yeah.  Exactly. What the what?

Gooey wood in the center of our melon
If the definition doesn't do the trick I submit for your review, absent reader, the steps required to prepare this food for consumption:

  1. Obtain melon from counter
  2. Wash melon to remove "dirt" from rind
  3. Note that Batter Blaster pancakes would be done by now
  4. Cut melon
  5. Scoop out little bits of gooey wood from core of melon
  6. Use ice cream scooper to extract melon chunks
  7. Contemplate a breakfast of ice cream instead of melon
  8. Place remainder of melon in fridge
  9. Taste melon
  10. Place melon and melon chunks in garbage
If you are like me you are wondering whether or not the Crenshaw melon is grown in the Crenshaw neighborhood of South Los Angeles.  It is not. 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dinner with Monji

Ruby, Clara and Monji (L to R)
Tonight the girls and I headed over to grandma (Monji) and grandpa's (Poppy) house for swimming and dinner.  My mom made her world famous cheesy potatoes.  It doesn't shoot out of a can but if the makers of Batter Blaster are interested we're ready to talk. 

We swam for hours and the battled the fearsome dog Gibson for our dinner.  He's a real sonofabitch but we love him anyway.

Monj's cheesy potatoes (F to B)

Kids approve Batter Blaster...Mom? Not so Much

The kids and I began the week with some breakfast. Typically Kelly makes homemade pancakes with something called flax seed. To honor that tradition I made pancakes. However, instead of using flax seeds and other food-like substances I used REAL food.

We make our pancakes with something called Batter Blaster. The concept is simple: Spay this batter in a hot pan and wait two minutes. Flip the batter over. Wait two more minutes. PanfreakingCakes. It's that easy!

Batter Blaster: Know it. Use it. Love it. Refrigerate it. The girls loved it and I am going to stock up on this amazing food.

Question: Do they have steak & potato blaster? Spaghetti blaster? These are all great ideas and I'm ready to taste test. Mom / Wife (theirs / mine) is gone for a week so let's do this!!!